
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

|| Relationships ||

Finally the torture is over! No more tests, projects and presentation! Though the past few weeks had been unbearable, but at least one good thing came out of it..which in my perspective, is a more bonded friendship.. =) All the in betweens crappy chit-chats and gossips definitely brought us closer..haha..

Anyway, being back to work after having the department moving to the 24th storey, I realised it is not the location that makes the place feel comfortable but the people.I confirmed that thought today when I had to run an errand to the 28th srorey where the department previously was. When I took a peek inside the office, everything felt different...the feeling of familiarity and warmth was gone. Ironically, I feel quite comfortable with the new location, liking it as much as I liked the previous. Its ironic because in the past..when I had to run an errand to the 24th storey, I didnt like what I saw (the scenery) and felt. I didnt expect myself to settle in and like the new office at all!

It goes to show that interpersonal relationships are important..

In Love @9:04 AM

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